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Cultivation | Method of cultivation | Factors affecting cultivation

(1.) Altitude

• It is an important factor which affects the cultivation of medicinal plants.
• With an increase in altitude above sea level there are changes in values of temp., humidity,solar radiation etc.
• Due to these changes vegetation at different altitude differ much.
• Tea and coffee are cultivated at an altitude of 1000-2000 meters.
Cinchona = 1000-3500 meters
Cinnamon = 800-1200
• Altitude also affects the chemical composition of medicinal plant.

(2) Rainfall :-
• Differ regions of earth receive differ quantities of rainfall.
• The quantity, duration and intensity of rainfall regulates the plant life.
• Excessive or less rainfall affects of plant life and constituents of the plants.

(3) Temperature :-
• Temperature affects the plant growth and metabolism.
• It also affect the rate of respiration and regulate the activity of enzymes.
• Extremes of temperature both on cold and hot sides affect the quality of medicinal plants.

(4) Soil and soil fertility :-
Soil is the medium in which root grows and from which the plants derive water and nutrients.
Name of particle       -      Diameter range
Clay                             -      Less then 0.002mm
Silt                               -      0.002 to 0.02mm
Fine sand                   -      0.02 to 0.2mm
Coarse sand              -      0.2 to 2 mm
Stones                        -      Above 2mm

Soil fertility is defined as the capacity of the soil to provide nutrition to the plants in balanced and proper amount.

(5) Fertilizer :-
• Plants need 16 nutrients elements for their growth and metabolism.
• Depending upon the quantity needed, the nutrients are classified into macronutrients & micronutrients.
• Macronutrients are needed in large quantities and micronutrients in traces.

(6)Pests and pest control :-
• Pest is an undesired animal or plant which affect the cultivation.
• These pests directly affects the plant growth and development and produce disease which ultimately influence the quality and yield of crude drugs.

Types of pests -

Methods of pest control -
(i) Agricultural method
(ii) Biological method
(ii) Chemical control - Pests can be controlled by using pesticides.
(iv) Mechanical control

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