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Blood groups #3 | Human anatomy and physiology

Blood Group :

1. ABO System

2. Rh-System

(1.) ABO System :-

Landsteiner confirmed the presence of two types of proteins in the human blood - (a) antigen / agglutinogen (b) antibody / agglutinin

• Determine by the type of H-antigen upon RBC plasma membrane surface.

(i) H-antigen +  Galactosamine =Antigen A =  'A' blood  group

(ii) H-antigen +  Galactose  = Antigen-B = 'B' blood  group

(iii) H-antigen + Galactosamine + Galactose = Antigen-AB = 'AB' blood group

(iv) (a) H-antigen + no sugar = Nil = 'O' blood group

(b) No antigen + no sugar = Nil = 'O' blood group (This blood group is known as Bombay's Blood group discovered by Dr. Bhende)

Note :- 

Universal Recipient = AB+ (A,B,Rh+)

Universal Donor = O-

(2.) Rh-System :-

1st discovered in Rhesus monkey.

Determine d by D-antigen of RBC.

Rh-factor Coded by "R" Gene.

RR =Rh+

Rr = Rh+

rr = Rh-

80% human population have Rh+

Rh- is rare

Erythroblastosis fetalis

During birth , foetal blood comes in contact with mothers blood. Thus , Mother forms Rh-antibody.

Erythroblastosis fetalis

Erythroblastosis fetalis is prevented by injecting Anti-Rh-antibody to the mother after birth of 1st child.

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