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Small intestine and Large intestine | #14 | Human physiology



Length = 6.25m ( or 20 ft)

Diameter = 2.5cm


1. Duodenum=25cm 

2. Jejunum=2.4m 

3. Ileum=3.6m

1.) Duodenum :-

- C-shaped

- It is the widest and shortest part of small intestine.

- Recieve the opening of hepatopancreatic duct.

- Mainly involve in neutralisation of acidic chyme.

2.) Jejunum :-

It is the middle part and is about 8 ft long.

3.) Ileum :-

- It is longest part of small intestine. 

- Small intestine is the main reason where digestion and absorption of food occurs


- Length = 1.5 m ( 5 ft )

- Diameter = 7.5 m

- parts :- (i) Caecum 

               (ii) Colon 

               (iii) Rectum

Caecum :

- Last part of small intestine(i.e. ileum)  opens into it and opening is guarded by ileocaecal valve.

- Finger like projection from Caecum = vermiform appendix

- Caecum and vermiform appendix = Vestigial ( first involved in cellulose digestion).

Colon :

- Divided into four parts : Ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoidal colon.

- Initial part of ascending colon has symbiotic E. Coli which synthesise vitamin b1, b3, b12 and k.

Rectum :

- Sac like structure used for storing faeces.

- The opening of rectum outside body is called anus.

- Anus is guarded by first internal involuntary anal sphincter and second is external voluntary anal sphincter.

- Inflammation of blood vessels in anorectal canal is called Haemorrhoids/piles.

NOTE :- Inflammation of appendix is appendicitis.

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