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Structure of Nephron #21 | Human physiology

Nephron :

Each nephron consists of four main parts :-

(1) Bowman capsule

(2) PCT (Proximal Convoluted Tubule)

(3) DCT (Distal Convoluted Tubule)

(4) Loop of Henle

(1) Bowman's capsule :-

- Located in the cortex part of kidney.

- Internally lined by simple squamous epithelium which is divided into two layer -  outer parietal layer and inner visceral layer.

- The space in between these layer is called capsular space, into which the blood gets filter.

- In the concavity of bowman's capsule located a bunch of capillary called glomerulus.

Glomerulus + Bowman's capsule = Malpighian body / Renal corpuscle

- Blood in glomerular capillary has to pass through the filtration bed, so that it can reach the capsular space.

- This filtration bed is made up of three main layers :-

(i) Endothelium of capillary - A type of simple squamous epithelium.

(ii) Basement layer includes basement membrane of capillary and basement membrane of visceral layer.

(iii) Cells of visceral layer of bowman's capsule.

• At the basement of visceral layer some modified cells are present.

(A) Mesanglia cell :- They help in phagocytosis.

(B) Podocytes / food shape :- These cells have projection called canaliculi which get arranged in such intricate manner that they result in formation of slit pores / filtration slits.

(2) PCT :-

- Located in cortex part of kidney.

- Internally lined by brush bordered cubical epithelium (it has large no. of microvilli which increase the surface area).

- PCT caused maximum reabsorption and secretion of substances, active as well as passive.

- Cells of PCT are also rich in mitochondria and store large amount of glycogen granules.

(3) Loop of Henle :-

- Located in medulla part of kidney.

- Consists of a descending limb and as ascending limb.

- Descending limb has a longer thin segment but ascending limb has longer thick segment.

- Thin segment is internally lined by simple squamous epithelium but thick segment lined by simple cubical epithelium.

- Loop of Henle can only cause reabsorption of H2O in blood. So longer is the loop of Henle more will be the conservation of H2O.


- located in cortex part of kidney.

- Like PCT, it also cause reabsorption and secretion.

- Internally lined by brush bordered cubical epithelium but no. of microvilli are very less as compared to proximal convoluted tubule(PCT).

- Cells of DCT also have few mitochondria and store some glycogen granules.

- DCT open into collecting tubule which further opens into collecting duct.

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